Beta Pulsar Layer

Dates for Beta Pulsar liquidity will be announced when all the NFTs are sold. There will be a time gap between Beta Pulsar liquidity and farming; this time gap is planned to be a week for the moment. If you want to participate in Beta Pulsar fair launch, you need to check our NFT marketplace and buy a Pulsar NFT. They are selling fast, so try not to lose the chance to get one while you can!

Beta price at fair launch will be $1, but we will not try to control the price pump as we did in Alpha. Pulsar price reached 10x at launch despite the fact that our team only put 1000 for liquidity and sold 2000 the control the price. This time, we will not mint any Beta tokens for the team and the price of beta will be freely decided by the market. There are also some other reasons why Beta will be more valuable than its predecessor. Here are some of the additional features we are working on for Beta Pulsar Project.

  • 4% Transfer fee feature (done)

  • Harvest lock (done)

  • Anti whale - You cannot sell/buy more than 1% of circulating supply (done)

  • Masterchef (done)

  • New UI design (In progress)

  • New UI buttons (In progress)

  • Bounty Hunter - NFT game contract

  • Token and Masterchef Audit

  • Beta Liquidity

  • NFT game contract Audit

  • Beta farming

We will launch farming when most of these steps are completed. With these additions, Beta Pulsar project will offer great rewards for its investors.

What will happen to Alpha? Alpha will continue to exist as it is, and we will have an Alpha pool in Beta to earn Beta. However, new features will only be available on Beta because deployed contracts cannot be modified.

Stay tuned for updates!

Last updated

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